Having a house is one thing, but having a home is something completely different. A home is where your family sits down for Sunday roasts and endless games of Scrabble. A home is where you see discreet markings on the wall, representing all the times you measured your children grow taller. A home is functional, yet beautiful in its own right.

If your house currently feels more of an empty shell than a warm embrace, there are a number of ways you can get it feeling both cosy and homely, without being overbearing. Read on to find out more…

Make it exclusive

Your family is completely unique, so why not let your home be too? Beams or alcoves are quirky and fun, but they can prove a nightmare when purchasing run of the mill items for your home. Instead of changing your house to meet the mainstream, you can instead opt for bespoke furniture which is created around the natural features of your house, meaning it can incorporate all of those distinctive characteristics.

Make it cosy

And why would you want to get rid of your nooks and crannies when they make such cosy spots? Soft furnishings provide another comfortable reminder of home; this includes cushions, throws, blankets and bean bag chairs. Most furnishings come in a range of shades and colours, meaning you can coordinate your purchases with the rest of the room.

Make it liveable

But a home needs to be more than exclusive and cosy; it needs to be liveable too. As your family grows, your home grows in heart too; although it does help if there is enough space for all of you to move around. Wooden floors are gorgeous, but might cause a bruise or two when your little toddler is taking their first steps; instead opt for a cushy carpet or rug. Wooden trunks are amazing for storing toys, but make sure to find one with safety features to protect little fingers and hands.

Neville Johnson has a range of home office furniture which you can see online. Request a brochure or a design consultation online today.