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New Chelsea Football Shirts Available From DW Sports

New Chelsea Football Shirts Available From DW Sports

If you are a blues fan then you will be itching to get your hand on the latest kit.  Chelsea football shirts can now be purchased online from DW Sports store and there is still plenty of time to get hold of yours.   If you spend more than £40 you can get free delivery on your order, so why not splash out and get yourself the latest 2011/2012 shirts.

Come On You Blues

DW Sports Store has the brand new home kit in both long and short sleeve designs. You can find Chelsea football shirts for men, women and for the kids too, so the whole family can get kitted out. The shirts are 100% polyester and have been made using ClimaCool climate management fabric which includes mesh panels.  Thanks to the clever manufacture of the tops by Adidas you are able to remain cool and dry even when you spend ninety minutes on the pitch.

This year’s style is of course in blue and white.  You will find that the shirts are very close fitting which is perfect if you want to show off your physique.  On the chest you will find the Adidas logo on the right hand side and the Chelsea crest is on the left. Across the chest you will find the sponsor for the team, Samsung.

To complement the home Chelsea football shirts you can find the shorts and the socks.  These are also available in blue with white strips helping to break up the style.  The whole kit is available from DW Sports and you can save money by purchasing the complete mini kit and baby kit which includes both the shirt and shorts for a fantastically low price.

When Playing Away

Another of the Chelsea football shirts that you can find online by visiting the DW Sports Store is the stylish away kit.  This is a great looking design by Adidas with the majority of the kit, including the shorts being in black.  The black is broken up across the chest by blue squares which fade as they move down to the sponsor logo which once again is emblazoned across the chest.


Author Bio:

You can find the latest Chelsea football shirts by looking online. DW Sports Store has a large collection of Chelsea football shirts available for great prices.



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